Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Why I support EDM's growing mainstream-yness and PLURR

Does anyone think the question of EDM's popularity in the mainstream is becoming increasingly hypocritical?  The major consensus is that EDM is trying their hardest to separate themselves from major pop artists, such as Lady Gaga, Madonna, and Justin Bieber, who are seen as the more annoying pop artists but have been major supporters of the movement.  Granted, the increasing support could be due to the commercial side of the music industry in that popularity is relevance and relevance is revenue, but I'm starting to wonder if these artists might have a legitimate interest in the electronic scene.

Please hold all questions until the end.  Thank you.  (oh, also, if you don't care about this discussion, music is at the end of the post.  Just some bass for your day.  <3)

If you take into account the general consensus that surrounds the electronic music scene, most people can agree that it's the future of music.  Even non-fans believe that with technology's major role in society's everyday life that music is never going to be the same again.  Well, in truth, it hasn't been for quite some time.  Technology starting with the keytar and keyboard's popularity in the 70's and 80's was an earlier incorporation of technology into the music production scene.  Electronics have been used to produce rap beats for decades now, and everything is mixed and leveled correctly through a soundboard.  This has been going on for years, but I digress.  Other antagonists of EDM argue for the preservation of real instruments, as they will die out as the popularity for learning such unique skills would fade away.  I tend to disagree.  Real instruments will always have relevance, since classical music's essence and beauty is not lost on the general public.  (Besides, won't their always be asian parents?  Yeah...covered.)  Also, with the growing popularity of electronic music, the artistic creativity of a soloist or classical artist will also experience an increase in demand in the coming years.  (Read: Lindsay Stirling's recent melding.)

If electronic music is the future, then most artists are going to need to convert or adapt to the changing times.  Regrettably, no orchestra can produce the same clear-cut beats as that of a producer in front of a computer.  It just can't be done.  So, if you are any popular artist and you decide you want to make a banging track, wouldn't you want to make a track with elements of what you love right now?  Who would you go to for a beat or for a collaboration?  The best in the game.  If you happen to be a fan of their work, then why not the better?  (side note: it would suck if my favorite producer didn't want to work with me.  #bummer )  But in most cases, producers are happy to work with pop artists.  (See: DJ Chuckie's 100 Bottles for Chris Brown).  As the Usher-Diplo massively popular track shows us, electronic music and pop music are pretty much fused at this point.

Understandably, purists of the EDM scene absolutely hate this.  They don't want their "scene" to be destroyed by the utter nastiness that is the general public.  From radio overplays to sampling in commercials and movies, the general public destroys really good things (Please see Tupac Shakur, Ice Cube, and Will Smith's rap career).  However, I think they really must look at themselves to see what caused this apparent "ruin."  (This is directed to me as well as all lovers of EDM.) You live in the moment.  You accept everyone for what they are because it's all about peace, love, unity, respect, and responsibility.  Everyone's equal.  Everyone is loved.  We're all there to have a good time, so we can respect one another for that simple fact.  Why wouldn't the world want to jump on this bandwagon?  It's like a productive/clean-shaven hippie renaissance.  I'm sorry...but what?!  Yeah, it is.  The whole world is learning this philosophy and running with it.  Be proud of that.  With electronic music's growing popularity, we're also supporting a lifestyle predicated on love and happiness.  Yeah, swag up.  We're making the world a better place.  So, why is everyone hating on Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber for being fans? 

Aren't they people too?  The greatest thing about the EDM scene is you can leave whatever you do and whoever you are at home for a few hours or a few days, and you can simply be a fan of good music and good times.  Why can't popular artists do that too?  Better yet, why can't they contribute and bring their talent?  Are you gonna tell Kobe that he can't play on your rec team because you don't like how mainstream he is?  Kobe, you can play on my team anytime.  I think popular artists could hurt the scene, but they'd bring so much talent to the pool. Yes, I get the argument that they're already popular and taking spots from unknowns that work in the underground.  But isn't their enough room for everyone?  I think certain genres like House and electro will go mainstream as they are the most digestible, but dubstep and trance?  They're going to stay relatively under.  I mean, I'd love a dubstep track with Ke$ha on it.  (To this day, best live show I've ever seen.  So much fxcking glitter and confetti.)  Nevertheless, I'd actually be some pop artists' fan if their songs had a little more bass and wobble in them.  No one can deny their talent.  We can all agree that they're dumb people (except I think Bieber is really an Ewok that shaved most of his body. :P) I just don't understand how producers that tweet "#PLURR" and wear kandi can say they hate anyone.  I could understand the hate if Dick Cheney was like "yo, let's collab!", but just because the general public has Bieber Fever or are a bunch of Lil Gaga Monsters and the music industry makes millions off that, you shouldn't hate.  You can decline, but you shouldn't hate.  That's missing the point, but I think as more and more people get exposed to and fall in love with EDM, more and more talented singers will be coming to EDM.  Not a thing anyone can do about it.  Love them.  Ignore them.  Move on.  Ultimately, I'd probably like more of them.  At the very least, I'll give them a chance to disappoint me. 

Yes, you can say that I'm just falling into the trap set before us, but really, is it such a bad thing?  I rarely listen to the radio because I always listen to songs on my phone, playlists through different apps, or internet radio.  One day, I didn't have my phone and had to drive two hours.  The radio was absolutely awful except for the few tracks here and there that I could digest.  It's hard to flip back to the 90's when you're listening to the future all the time, but popular music has come a long way from Smashmouth and Nsync.  So, I would love for the producers I like to become immensely popular.  I'd love for them to collab with the most talented people because that's when you truly get the greatest creations.  Is it Bieber or Gaga? Who cares?  But what's the harm in trying?

I understand that they're taking the track and renaming it and recategorizing it.  Calling it their own.  But so what?  Was Hit-Boy's N***** in Paris called that when he sold it to Jay and Ye?  Nope. (actually, I don't know, but most of you are probably like "Who the f is HIT-BOY???" anyways.)  The more that producers fight this, the worse it will be for them.  Other opportunists will take advantage and the David Guetta's of the world will prosper.  He's talented, but the argument could be made that he's a sell-out.  I think he wanted to work with big names and get paid.  I think that kind of makes his legitimacy argument equally relevant.  So, just leave the hate at home, ladies.

Public rants make you look classless.  I don't want the news I read to be about your comments but about your work or the venue you shut down.  When I listen to the radio, I would love to hear your tracks.  Why not?  You're getting massive exposure.  Kiss your Honda goodbye, and go pick up your Bentley.  I'm sorry...problems?  You're talented, you deserve it.  Yes, I get that you're a complicated artist.  Yes, I know you want credibility.  But are you going to honestly tell me that if Jay-Z wants a collab, you aren't jumping on that?  I'll tell you this, he doesn't work with classless people.  I'm just sayin.  But back to the radio and the mainstream...

I mean, I rarely listen to the radio, so the overplays won't get me.  In truth, most of you probably don't listen to the radio either.  Let's be real here.  So, for the few times that I do listen to the radio, I'd love for it to be better music, and the better musical taste the general public has, the better popular radio will be.  Increased exposure can only mean a higher standard but more money-grubbing (but that was guaranteed anyways once women starting dressing in underwear for shows...they're doing what??? Yeah, why wouldn't the world be on board again?). So, go ahead, ruin my scene, I'm not even listening.  If you jack up the prices for tickets, I'll just go to smaller shows.  I know at least two things are certain.  I'm still gonna love, and I'm still gonna dance.  Gimme a beat!

Down below, some dirty little tracks...and as always, click play.  die happy. ;P

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